Alex B Cann Column - February 6th 2025
How do you feel when your phone rings? To be honest, it's quite rare I get any calls on my mobile nowadays, which is probably just as well, since I have a cheap Motorola and the shrill sounds of 'Hello Moto' would probably not be embraced with open arms by cinemagoers, which is where I can often be located if I'm not in a radio studio.
Alex B Cann Film Column - February 6th 2025
I'm quite proud of myself for not having a snooze during The Brutalist whilst watching it on the huge IMAX screen.
Dave Sweetmore Leaves The Tameside Radio Drivetime Show
It's just over two years since I became the permanent drivetime presenter on Tameside Radio, and tomorrow, Friday February 7th, will sadly be my last day on the show.
Meow-velous Entertainment for All Ages!
A family fun panto is opening at New Mills Arts Theatre this week bringing to life the classic fairytale of ‘Dick Whittington’.
Alex B Cann Column - 30th January 2025
A study out this week for breast cancer charity Walk the Walk looks at how much time we each spend looking after ourselves, and the 'me time' tank is collectively running pretty low, with the average person only enjoying 40 minutes' worth. A significant 44 per cent of those questioned acknowledge that they don't make enough time for self care, but nearly all (90 per cent) recognise the importance of doing things that benefit their physical and mental health.
Alex B Cann Film Column - 30th January 2025
Nicole Kidman is sensational in Babygirl, and although she has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award, she's been cruelly snubbed by the Oscars, alongside the equally excellent and sex positive Challengers. Perhaps the Academy blushes easily.
January 24th, Indie Rock n Roll Local Music Spotlight Live
Last Friday night, January 24th, we held our fourth Indie Rock n Roll Local Music Spotlight Live night at Whittles at Tokyo Live Music Venue in Oldham. The previous three had all been amazing, but with February being the month we will broadcast our 100th band or artist on the feature, the whole night on Friday felt like a really special achievement.
Dave Sweetmore - Local Music Spotlight - 23rd January 2025
100th Band or Artist on our Local Music Spotlight Feature!
Alex B Cann column - 23rd January 2025
Should we be getting back to the office more often? That was the question posed in a recent Panorama, and comments made by Stuart Rose, the former M&S and Asda boss, made headlines when he said: "We are creating a whole generation and probably a generation beyond that of people who are used to not doing what I call proper work. I believe that productivity is less good if you work from home. I believe that your personal development suffers".
Alex B Cann Film column - 23rd January 2025
I have to confess there are some things in life that baffle me, such as the appeal of Gavin and Stacey, people who put their feet on the seats on trains and don't move their bag even when you politely ask if you can sit down, selfish parkers at the supermarket, and Bob Dylan's music. The latter is an stubborn stance I may need to revisit after watching A Complete Unknown, starring Timothee Chalamet as a young Dylan, arriving in New York in 1961 with little more than a guitar
Alex Cann's weekly film blog - 9th January
A mix this week of stuff that I watched over the festive season and a couple from this week, to start another year of movie watching!
Alex Cann's weekly blog - 9th January
It was tempting to write something this week about the digital darts being fired from the keyboard of the world's richest man, and how it might be better if we just switched social media off for a bit, but for the sake of my blood pressure, I thought I'd share the first part of a musical Top 10 with you.
Dave Sweetmore - 31st October
After the massive success of last year's huge 40th anniversary tour, legendary soul band Stax Of Soul will be rolling back into Uppermill in November as part of this year's series of tour dates.
Dave Sweetmore - 5th September
Rock n Roll Star, National Treasure, Musical Icon, Manchester legend, and TV hero Shaun Ryder next week begins a huge UK theatre tour which runs until May 2025, telling stories and tales of his life as one of music's most iconic and wildest frontmen
Dave Sweetmore - 12th September
Two days before Oasis's debut album 'Definitely Maybe' celebrated its 30th anniversary, the news broke that 15 years since splitting up, Liam and Noel Gallagher would be getting the band back together next year. If you had asked me a few years ago if i would like them to get back together, I probably would have said no, leave it in the history books just as The Beatles and The Jam did
Dave Sweetmore - 19th September
When we started our Local music Spotlight feature on Tameside Radio and across the Not Really Here Group media outlets back in January 2023, I knew what an important feature it would be for local bands and artists, but I don't think anybody could have predicted just how successful it has been.
Dave Sweetmore - 24th October
Pauline Town MBE is a Tameside hero and a legend. As landlady of The Station Hotel in Ashton, she has made the respected British pub much more than that, it's also a hub for the homeless, victims of domestic abuse, families in need, and those facing poverty in this area.
Dave Sweetmore - 17th October
Its three years since Stereophonics last toured, and last week the band announced their biggest ever UK and Ireland stadium tour which will take place in 2025.
Alex's Weekly Film Blog - 3rd October
It's almost impossible to review The Substance without spoilers, but I'll try. It's grisly, bone-crunching, shockingly gory stuff, but what a performance from Demi Moore. This is possibly the most bananas movie I've ever seen, and Moore's finest hour in my book.
Alex's Weekly Blog - 3rd October
Back in the day, I used to love watching Top Of The Pops on a Thursday night. It was one of the telly highlights of the week, at a time when there were only three channels, no social media, and Dial-A-Disc was still a thing (ask your parents if this doesn't ring a bell).
Alex's Weekly Film Blog - 26th September
It's a rarity, but a trio of films were all released last Friday that I couldn't wait to see. I've managed two of them this week, and both are outstanding.
Alex's Weekly Film Blog - 19th September
Starting this week with my film of the month for September. Strange Darling is grisly and twisty as hell The best review I've seen comes from rapper Kid Cudi, who wrote: "Movies like this come every so often. As a fan of horror, I've never been this thrown by a horror movie before. I went in thinking one thing, and left knowing another". The difficulty in reviewing this movie is that it's definitely best enjoyed without spoilers. It's gory, tense, and nerve shredding.
Alex's Weekly Blog - 26th September
The UK has a rich history when it comes to condiments. A lot add unami taste to our dishes (a Japanese word meaning 'savoury deliciousness'), and a survey carried out recently by Fentimans found brown sauce ranks second in a list of the UK's top 10 favourite bold flavours.
Alex's Weekly Blog - 19th September
I wrote about stress recently, and feel quite zen this week, apart from the fact I'm writing this column right up against the deadline.I don't know where the weeks are going, and Christmas is now less than 100 days away, whilst the nights are drawing in faster than I can eat a bag of Haribo Tangfastics.
Alan Ovington's Album Review - 11 Apr 2024
Following the Ellis Mano Band's European tour last year in support of the critically acclaimed "Luck of the Draw" album, fifteen songs recorded in Germany and Switzerland have now been released on their first live album "Live: Access All Areas".
Alex Cann's Weekly Film Blog - 9th April
The first of two films based on that Newsnight interview with Prince Andrew hit Netfllix this week, and Scoop was a five star treat in my book. Based on three chapters of a book by producer Sam McAlister, who arranged te interview at Buckingham Palace and has since said it was "hard to keep a poker face" while he was speakin
Alex Cann's Weekly Blog - 9th April
This week, I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix, and I would highly recommend that you give it a whirl. As one of the quotes at the beginning says: "Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse" (Sophocles), and if you're anything like me, you'll be left questioning how much information you've given away to social media platforms over the years.
Alan Ovington's Album Review - 4 Apr 2024
"Fortuna", the long-awaited studio album from the British Blues rock roots guitarist and vocalist Bex Marshall, is a ten-track blues tapestry that bulges to the edges with addictive hooks and story lines.
Alex Cann's Weekly Film Blog - 26th March
If you're a John Wick fan, there will inevitably be comparisons with pulpy new action film Monkey Man, which is out this weekend. Armed with little more than a monkey mask and a shedload of grit and determination, Dev Patel's Kid won't rest until the men who took everything from him get what's coming to them.
Smash hit musical, Rock Of Ages, comes to New Mills this April
Stockport based NK Theatre Arts head to New Mills Art Theatre for the very first time with their production of Rock Of Ages.
Alex B Cann at the movies ...
Event cinema is pretty popular, with reports that Queen Rock Montreal (IMAX) raked in over $4 million, split across the USA and the rest of the world. Clearly, the lure of a remastered Queen concert from 1981 is strong.