Census Day was Sunday 21 March, however it's not too late to take part and register your information online.
Taking place every 10 years, the census paints an accurate picture of all the people and households in England and Wales, helping organisations to make decisions on planning and funding public services including transport, education and healthcare.
This year the census is even more important as it will provide fresh information to improve understanding of the pandemic, ensuring that the services you use meet the needs of our changing society.
Census 2021 is a digital-first census meaning people are encouraged to respond online if they are able to. This can be completed with any device including a mobile phone or tablet.
Help with this can be found on the census website and help is also offered via phone, webchat, email, social media or text message, however they are encouraging people to ask friends and family to help them complete their census.
Census field officers are now visiting households from which there has been no completed census form and are encouraging them to complete the online version.
By law, refusal to answer all or part of the census can lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.
With it now being easier than ever to enter your details virtually, completing the census should only take a few minutes, but helps the local council for the next 10 years.
To complete your online census, you will just need your 16-character access code, you are able to request a new code if you have lost or not received one of your own.
More information can be found at https://census.gov.uk/about-the-census/who-should-fill-in-a-census.