A workman raced to save an elderly woman’s life after she fell into an ‘exceptionally deep and dangerous’ part of Ashton Canal yesterday afternoon.
The woman, who has not been named, was walking with her granddaughter when she tumbled into the canal by Kershaw Lane in Audenshaw.
Andrew Mitchell, who was working nearby, heard cries for help and ran to the scene to haul the woman from the water.
An off-duty police officer stumbled across the incident at around 2pm on Wednesday, September 4, leading GMP to commend Mr Mitchell.
“Having witnessed this heroic and selfless behaviour, the off-duty officer wanted to recognise Andrew’s bravery and willingness to risk his own life to save a vulnerable member of the community from an accident which would have likely caused her to drown.
“Massive well done to Andrew. Thank you for your bravery.”
There is no news on the woman’s condition.